Looking for a way to help keep your kids moving while at home? Join us for live online parkour classes! These classes are tailored to take place within your space- living room, bedroom, backyard, basement- you just need a bit of room to move. All sessions are led by our experienced coaching team and feature a comprehensive warmup, strength training, and technical instruction. Each activity has a variety of adaptations to allow for all abilities, fitness levels, and home setups. No special equipment is necessary and we'll use household props (string, masking tape, books, pillows, etc) to help channel your child's energy into fun, dynamic, and positive activity! Just make sure that your child has space to move safely (living room, bedroom, backyard, local park, etc)!
Additional details:
How to Prepare:- Join from a living room, bedroom, or backyard - anyplace with space to move!- Have a few props available that your child can use to create a movement environment- pillows, cushions, sturdy tables, blankets, bath towels, foam rollers!- Have a water bottle nearby so that your child doesn’t have to leave to get water.- We recommend keeping the video function on so that our coaches can give your child technical feedback.- Get excited to move!