At Toc Toc, they believe in the learning of Spanish the way we learn our first language: through games, music, having fun and getting fascinated by the sound of words. Kids learn without even realizing it!
Their program is best for 0-36 month old babies and toddlers. Older siblings are welcome to come as well!
In all Toc Toc classes:
•It's the perfect opportunity to expose your baby to a second language right when the 'language learning window' opens.
•They make sure children in our classes have a great time.
•Accompanied by parents or caregivers, children start learning Spanish through a variety of activities such as singing simple, rhythmic songs and dance, run, spin and jump around the room!
•Get ready to immerse yourself, too, as they speak in Spanish the entire class! No previous knowledge of Spanish is required.
•Babies and toddlers share class to develop social skills. You can’t imagine how well a young child learns from an older child and how patient the older child can be with the younger ones.
•Their teachers work with the accompanying adults, teaching them age-appropriate games and activities so that they can reinforce learning at home.