Beauty and the Beast, an original musical by Michael Sgouros and Brenda Bell, first opened Off-Broadway on February 10, 2013 at the Players Theatre located at 115 MacDougal Street, in the West Village of NYC. Revivals of Beauty and the Beast also appeared at the Players Theatre in 2016 and 2019.
The Story
There once was a young girl named Beauty who didn’t seem to fit in. Her nose was always stuck in a book and unlike her sisters; she wasn’t looking for a Prince Charming to rescue her. What she wanted was adventure and that’s just what she found. In order to settle her father’s debt, she goes to live in a magical castle with a mysterious beast. What she discovers is her true self, friendship and the meaning of love.
This adaptation, based on the original book by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont, is filled with charming musical numbers, delightful dancing, endearing and amusing characters, wonder and magic. Guaranteed to thrill and warm the hearts of children ages 3 to 103.
*We are following the NY Mayor's Key to New York Mandate and proof of vaccination is required for all patrons over 5 years of age. Masks are also required.
The theatre is located up a small flight of stairs, there is no ramp.
**This booking provides entry for two persons.
***Please print out your booking confirmation and bring it with your or use your email confirmation for entry.
Additional details:
*We are following the NY Mayor's Key to New York Mandate and proof of vaccination is required for all patrons over 5 years of age. Masks are also required. The theatre is located up a small flight of stairs, there is no ramp.