Our schools are unified by our shared vision and mission; namely the “primacy effect”-- that the earliest events in life are the most important and formative ones and are the critical determinants of the long course of development. We are a collection of boutique schools for young children where each child’s intellectual, emotional, social, and moral potentials are carefully cultivated and guided.
All young children have active and lively minds from the start. The basic dispositions to make sense of experience, investigate it, care about others, relate to them, and adapt to their physical and cultural environment are inborn dispositions. These inborn dispositions flourish, deepen and strengthen under the right conditions. Relationships and interactions form the nuclei of educating young children.
We focus our collective and individual vigor on the quality of interactions with children in their moments together so that they become rich, interesting, engaging, satisfying, and meaningful. Together we shape a pebble that could have very large consequences.