Get ready to dance letters, do puzzles with your bodies, and move like an animal!
In this highly interactive 7-week class, we will do fun movement exercises to teach children letters, numbers, vocabulary, & body awareness. By the and of the 7 weeks, children will have a firm grasp on 7 different letters - how to write them, their sound and vocabulary that starts with that letter. They will have also had opportunities to lead the group and share their creative ideas.
At the end of the semester, the kids will show their parents some of their movement creations in a final sharing. I will also be keeping track of the children's progress and sharing my notes with the parents along the way.
Body Brain Kids uses embodied learning - movement - to teach conceptual skills to young children. Attending one 30-minute session a week will strengthen a child's foundation for writing and math and develop their body awareness.
Each Body Brain Kids session begins with brain connectivity exercises that prepare the brain for learning. The children then do vocabulary exercises based around a letter to help them write the letter and to learn the sound of the letter in context. At the end of each session, children work with numbers, using movement exercises to develop their conceptual understanding of basic math, shapes, and patterns. It is so much fun!