Minecraft Coding & Game Design: Adventure Maps

KidzToPros (at Sam H. Lawson Middle School)

Categories: Camp, Science & Technology  |  Ages: 7 - 11 Years  |  Format: In-Person

Design your own adventures and games that you can share with your friends in Minecraft Coding & Game Design: Adventure Maps! Kids will think through how to make a playable activity, and learn conditionals and event triggering. They will use command blocks, red stones, and more to create Adventure Maps, missions, or games. They will also be able to package their game to send to anyone else to play! Kids will grow in problem-solving and computational thinking as they play one of the most popular and dynamic games in history.
When to arrive:
10 minutes before
Cancellation policy:
24 hours in advance
Caregiver required:

Upcoming Schedule for Minecraft Coding & Game Design: Adventure Maps

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10401 Vista Drive, San Francisco, CA 95014
(877) 202-1554
KidzToPros has partnered with Sam H. Lawson Middle School to provide STEM, Arts & Sports Summer Camps for kids ages 4 to 14. Project-based, hands-on STEM and Art curriculums span from Makerspace to Python programming, Minecraft, Roblox and 3D modeling, to filmmaking, music production, graphic design and more. Skills-focused sports programs include basketball, tennis, soccer and more game based-activities!

KidzToPros is a trusted provider of on-campus and online after-school enrichment, seasonal camps and tutoring. Over 45,000 kids have participated in our programs. We provide meaningful enrichment to students across the US, operating in 350+ schools across the Bay Area, LA, San Diego, CO, IL, TX and NY/NJ.
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Editor’s Tip
KidzToPros' mission is to continue to grow their services without ever compromising on the quality and variety of offerings, or on the safety of children. Every child deserves the opportunity to learn something new, spark their creativity and pursue their passions!