Fast fashion at Spring Forward (Online)

Fast fashion

Spring Forward (Online)

Categories: Academic  |  Ages: 7 - 13 Years  |  Format: Online Live
Fast fashion at Spring Forward (Online)

This workshop begins with a word search, to get a familiarity with common terms. Then, students learn about the lifecycle of a t-shirt, specifically its carbon and water footprint. This shifts into making a quick mask by reusing an old shirt or piece of cloth. Finally, there are tips on how to keep one’s closet sustainable. This workshop provides insight into a part of the climate crisis that is often overlooked.
When to arrive:
5 minutes before
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Cancellation policy:
1 hour in advance
Caregiver required:

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Spring Forward is a youth-led climate education organization that aims to empower students to become conscious global citizens. This understanding about climate change and environmental justice is critical not only for our generation, but for many more to come. We work with schools, camps, and other youth programs to implement curriculum that we have created in a way that works best for their community and learning environment.
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Editor’s Tip
Spring Forward aims to empower students to become conscious global citizens through youth-to-youth climate education. This understanding about climate change and justice is critical not only for our generation, but for many more to come.